Welcome to Church Cowley St James
Church of England Primary School (CCSJ)
Hello, My name is Steve Dew. I have been the Head Teacher at CCSJ since 2013. I couldn't be more proud of the teachers, children and community and the efforts that everyone has gone to, over the past 10 years, to make this school a truly special place.
We stand for Inclusion, High Quality Responsive Teaching and Wider Opportunities for all. If you were to cut us in half those words would be written large right through us. But what does that mean for you and your child? You should come along and see for yourselves and hear about how these three things inform teaching and learning at CCSJ.
Our school is a fantastic place to be for both pupils and teachers. We already have many strengths and these include our strong emphasis on our core Christian Values, devised with the whole school community that underpins all aspects of school life. Additionally, our teaching of Maths is 'standout' in the county. We pay particular attention to the opportunities for children to be fully immersed in our curriculum through trips and visits, the use of virtual reality (VR) headsets and guest speakers really bringing the learning to life.
Our outdoor facilities are second to none. Over the last 10 years we've spent more than £1 million pounds, of our own money, on improving the CCSJ experience of all children. Our amazing £500,000 Wilderness Nursery, £250,000 Multi Use Games Surface (MUGA), £250,000 on 4 outdoor playgrounds and over £150,000 on our brilliant Dance studio, Allotments, Forest School, teaching and Library. We believe that your child should want for nothing while here.
Headship is a responsibility that I don't take lightly, I firmly believe that together, teachers, parents and children, we can deliver a school for all of the children of Cowley, not just for now, not just for the children of today, but for Cowley now, and for the future.
Don't just take my word for it. Come and have a look, speak to our staff, children and parents to understand why sending your child to CCSJ really will give them the best possible start in life.
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Our Vision
That all in the school community will have life in its fullness. That they will be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society.
Our Values
Moral Courage Tolerance Respect Compassion