Church Cowley St James Church of England Primary School

big tree Kids


School start time

Nursery gates open at 8:45 am for the morning session and at 12:30 pm for the afternoon session.

The main school gates open at 8:35 am, and lessons begin at 8:40 am. School gates close at 8:55 am.

Finishing times

The Nursery closes at 3:30 pm

All other year groups finish at 3:10 pm, totalling 33 hours in the school week. 

Absence and Holidays

If your child is absent, please notify us either by phone or on the school app as soon as possible.

In line with other local schools, permission is not given for holidays in term time. Other than for illness or educationally approved reasons, absences from school will be ‘unauthorised’ and appear on a child’s record accordingly.

To request a term-time absence for exceptional reasons, please come into the main reception and speak to a member of staff. Completed forms can be hand-delivered to Kerry Lenton in the school office.